Saturday, March 8, 2008

My name is Cindy and I am a knittyholic

I was so excited about starting a blog, but I have been stressed about posting. The Big Bag Swap and KAL was an easy post because I was answering questions. Now the time has come for me to tell you a little bit about me and my life. The title is The Life of a Knittyholic. I guess I'll start by telling you a little bit about my life now.

I started knitting four years ago when I was going through my divorce. My best friend at the time, insisted that knitting would be a therapeutic outlet and would help relieve stress. It's important to note that she had never knitted and was easily as depressed and stressed as I was. I explained to her that I could never afford a $80.00 knitting class, buy supplies and take the time off work to learn. After all...who knits: old ladies sitting on their porches? I was only 39, had four kids and at the prime of my life (according to others, anyway.) It was irrelevant that I was about 10 seconds from a breakdown. That was my secret! Without telling me, Diane paid for the class and then explained that class fees were nonrefundable (a little fib I learned later.) I won't bore you with how much I hated the class and all of the weird projects we did, but I did begin to realize the comfort that knitting provided. After I got through the initial frustration with the fact that I needed two extra hands and a team to help me hold my yarn, I began to get "it." If you are a knitter, you understand the "it." If you don't knit, you may not understand.

For the last four years, I have knitted almost every day. I have just recently begun to challenge my skills though. The therapeutic part for me was the ability to distract myself making easy and mindless projects. I made an uncountable number of scarves, then went to felted bags. I've made a Lopi sweater, and taken several classes (socks, felted clogs, mitered shawl, short rows) but they all required following a pattern and concentration. Knitting was an escape at that time, and any effort was too much effort. I became the felted bag queen. I began to fill storage tubs with completed bags. I used different yarn and different patterns to mix things but they all did remain in the "mindless knitting" category.

My knitting world opened up about a year ago when I was sitting at my favorite local coffee house, Jitters, and another lady came up and sat down to knit. We started talking about knitting (it was very obvious that she had traveled WAY beyond the mindless knitting phase,) and she mentioned that she was a teacher at our LYS, The Tangled Skein. (*** Thank you Kathy for giving having enough confidence in me to mention me to Roberta***) While we were talking, I told her how cool it would be to work there. I have a full-time job that I love, but I made a joke about her letting me know if the owner of the shop ever needed someone to fill in. Two weeks later a received a phone call from the owner of my LYS asking me if I was serious about working on Saturdays. Of course I was. What kind knitter would I be if I purposely let a chance for yarn pass me by? How could I let this opportunity pass..on the other hand, I was still a novice. I had been knitting several years, but still hadn't forced myself to step outside the box. I was living in the knitting safe zone. I was desperate for the opportunity to work there,but I was also very intimidated. I never once thought that anyone would ever think twice about my joke about working at a yarn store. After all, what did I know about knitting? I had knitted enough to be a bit cocky..but I was also very aware of my limited experience with what I perceived at the time was "real knitting."

Could I be a "real knitter?"

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Big Bag Questionnaire

Blogging has been on my mind for awhile now, but I haven't been motivated to take time away from my needles and yarn in order to spend extra time on the computer. Ironically, it is a knitting project that finally encouraged me to bite the bullet and start blogging. I promise to bore you soon with all of the intricate details of my life and the chaos that often ensues, however my first post is a requirement of an upcoming swap. Until is the questionnaire that will complete my enrollment in my very first Ravelry swap!

1. Do you knit, crochet, or do both? For how long?
I am a knitter. I began knitting about four years ago when I was going through my divorce and I have knitted almost every day since.

2. What other crafts do you do, if any?
I have dabbled in almost every craft that anyone can name. I have taken classes, purchased every supply and gadget for the craft, and then decided it wasn't exactly what I was searching for. Knitting is the first craft/art that I have ever done that I know has become an important part of my life. I cannot foresee anything that would detour me from this passion.

3. What are your favorite colors? What colors do you loathe?
I tell people that prior to learning to knit, I was living in a taupe world. I bought, wore, decorated and existed in a world of neutrals. I didn't realize at the time, that I was so stuck. I now love color and enjoy working with bold color combinations. I always try to have something to coordinate the colors I'm working with so things don't look too tacky, but I am now at least willing to take chances
I don't really have any colors that I loathe, however, I don't really like the "harvest" colors all incorporated in the same project. I just recently finished a bag with oranges and browns and although the bag turned out beautifully, every time I look at it, I feel like it needs to be a centerpiece for our next Thanksgiving Day meal

4. Favorite yarn brands? Fiber types? Yarn you can't stand?
I love all yarns! My favorites would definitely be Noro and Karaoke, because of their beautiful color blends. When I felt, I use Cascade, Galway, Noro and Lamb's Pride. I am not a huge Lopi fan because of its roughness when working with it. I really prefer natural fibers and try to avoid others except when using novelty yarns for accent. When I'm not felting, I like anything that feels good!

5. What are your favorite type items to knit/crochet?

I always have multiple projects (usually way too many) on needles. I usually have a project or two that require some concentration and focus and then multiple grab and go projects. My grab and go projects are usually projects that are going to be felted or things like hats that can be done in the round and on the fly.

6. What kind of needles do you like?
Addi's...Addi's...and more Addi's! They are my absolute favorite. I try and use circulars whenever I can. I use the Bryspun double pointed needles for anything requiring double points or straights. When I need single points, I just slap my point protectors on and go. I am not a fan of bamboo, but they work too :) I also have the Denise Interchangeable Needle kit and they're really nice, but nothing has impressed me enough to pull me away from my turbo's on a regular basis.

7. Any knitting tools that you lack but crave?
I have alot and I crave more! If I have it, I can always use another one and if I don't, I crave it...hahaha

8. Patterns you've been dying to get but haven't yet?

I don't have any of the Noni felting patterns and some of them look spectacular!

9. Do you drink coffee, tea, cocoa? Flavors that you love or hate?
I start every morning with a quad shot mocha with whip cream. If I'm having a really tough day, you'll know it because it will end up being a two mocha day. When I drink regular coffee, it is just plain black drip. I'm don't drink a whole lot of tea, but I do like I'm wondering why I don't drink more tea....LOL...

10. Favorite sweets and snacks?

I have a mouth full of sweet teeth (plural of sweet tooth..haha...only more :) ... need I say more?

11. Any pets, kids, spouses? Spouses that act like pets or kids?

I have three wonderful daughters 21, 18, 16 and the worlds best 14 year old son. In addition to having my two youngest at home full-time, I have a very intrusive chihuahua (who is the love of my life) and two very crazy cats.
With regard to the spouse thing...he acted a little too much like a pet and kid so I sent him to live with a nice family, with lots of property on a huge farm (isn't that where they send all of the other dysfunctional animals to live?!?) ie. I'm divorced!

12. Favorite thing to knit/crochet for the above?
I have knit some scarves, hats and mittens for the kids, but they still prefer the stuff at REI over my hand knits. Therefore, I have taken them off my list of knit worthy individuals and sent them on their way with my debit card to buy their own D*#@ hat!

13. What kid of books do you read? Favorite authors or genres?
I usually read in bed at night and usually it is very light reading. I ready mostly fiction, however I do periodically read a memoir if it's one that is really out there. I do love knitting books, and will go through the ones that I have over and over and over again. At the top of my wish list right now is anything by Elizabeth Zimmerman. I bought her Baby Surprise pattern online and now I'm fascinated by her way of designing patterns.

14. Do you collect anything? (besides yarn)

Other than kids and animals not really. WoW....As I type this, I'm realizing that I need to start a collection of something...everyone needs an abundance of something to dust when their old. Suggestions??? :)

15. What, if any, are your non-craft related hobbies?

Knitting is what I do 98% of the time. I do a little reading and I dink around on the computer, but all roads always take me back to my addi's.

16. Scents that you adore? Scents that make you gag?

I like almost all scents unless they are overly strong. My favorite candle smell is Sugar Cookie...yummy...

17. What is your idea of a relaxing time?

I am my most content when my kids and I are all together watching a movie, while I knit and sip my second mocha of the day. Things are pretty fast-paced in my home and although it doesn't happen that often, it is during those quiet times that life feels right.

18. Are you on Ravelry? ID?
I am on Ravelry and Knittyholic is my screen name.